It’s sad on the one hand summer has passed and winter is coming but food wise I remember my grandma making this awesome thick soups and puff pastry dishes this time a year.
For sure my love for food and fresh ingredients was born being around this awesome lady my grandma was.
And what is more comforting in Autumn than this nice cheesy puff pastry with walnut
bacon and goat cheese to cheer oneself up on a cold and grey day. Topped with some sweet pears and honey makes this an awesome and easy lunch or dinner treat.

1 puff pastry prepacked
100 gr cream cheese
100 gr ricotta
1 pear
30 gr walnut
30 gr bacon cubes
100 gr goat cheese
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp olive oil
1 oven tray
1 grill pan
Oven paper
1 bowl

1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Peel the pear, cut in half, and laminate each of the halves.
3. Put the pear slices in a plate and with a brush spread the olive oil mixed with the honey (if no brush, use your fingers)
4. Put the grill pan on high fire and once hot, put the pear slices 2 minutes per side.
5. Put the pears aside.
6. Put a sheet of oven paper on top of the oven tray.
7. Open the puff pastry and extend the roll on the tray on top of oven paper.
8. Mix the cream cheeses and the ricotta in the bowl and extend the mix on top of the pastry keeping 1,5 cm from the border.
9. Place the pear slices on top, then the walnuts crushed, the bacon cubes and the goat cheese cut in small pieces.
10. Put in the oven for 15 to 20 min (until nice golden color).
11. Put some alfalfa on top before serving to give a fresh taste.
12. Enjoy!
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