Ingredients (2 Persons)
2 Kg Mussels
½ Green Celery chopped
4 White Onions in rings
2 tsp White Pepper
1 tsp Salt
60 gr Butter
600 ml Water
1 Cutting Board
1 Knife
1 Large Pot with top
1. Wash the mussels in cold water.
2. With a good knife remove all the white dots and dirt from the mussels.
TIP: A good mussel should be sealed tight or at least seal itself when you hit it with the knife.
3. Second thing to watch is to carefully remove, if there, the ‘beard’ of the mussel which sometimes you find at the side of the mussel, cut this away.
4. Now take fresh water and wash the mussels again.
5. Take the pot, add the butter, water, chopped celery, sliced onions, the pepper, and salt, and put the mussels on top.
6. Put the top on the pot and put on a high fire.
7. After 3 minutes shake them up until your veggies are on top, put back on the fire for 2 minutes.
8. Shake up again, cook for 2 more minutes and shake up again before serving.
9. If you check the mussels, they should all be opened, if not cook for a minute longer till they open up.
TIP: When all opened, they are ready to serve.
10. Serve in a deep plate
TIP: Garnishing it with some golden-brown French fries is the best way to enjoy them!
