How to cook rice is for some still a mystery, today I want to share with you the basic way I cook my rice. It’s fast, easy and always comes to a good end. The cooking time can differ a little depending on the kind of rice you are using but the technique stays the same. Adding more flavors with garlic or herbs are always possible depending on how you want to use the rice after cooking.
Ingredients (2 Persons)
1 cup rice
2 cups water
1 tsp salt
1 sieve
1 pot
1. Put the rice in a sieve and rinse under cold water.
2. Put the water and rice in a pot and cover.
3. Put it on high fire till the water starts boiling and then turn the fire as low as possible.
4. Keep the rice covered on low fire for about 15 minutes, checking every 5 minutes.
5. Take a look and if needed depending on the rice you bought give it some more minutes.
6. The rice is done when all water is absorbed.
7. Serve immediately or cool down to use in a stir fry later.
8. Enjoy!
