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Halloween Salty Snacks


Updated: Nov 16, 2020


Triple Halloween Salty snacks. Today some fast and easy snacks to serve on your Halloween party or just sharing with family and kids. We've made some Mummy sausages, a Ghosts Pizza and some scary Halloween Pumpkin eggs. Follow our short video to see how fast and easy you can make this treats at home!


Ingredients for the fast pizza sauce:

  • 2 cups passata (sieved tomato)

  • 1 tsp Oregano

  • 1 tsp Basil

  • 1 tsp Paprika powder

  • 1 clove Garlic

  • Salt and pepper

  • Pinch of Chili powder

Ingredients for the pizza:

  • 2 cups tomato sauce

  • 1 prepacked square of pizza dough

  • 1/2nd yellow bell pepper

  • 1/2nd red bell pepper

  • 15 slices of salami

  • 2 cups grated mozzarella cheese

  • 1 tsp fresh Oregano

  • Mozzarella carved ghosts

  • 1 tsp Olive tapenade


1. Cook for 10 min on a slow fire all the ingredients for the sauce and set aside to cool down.

2. Pre heat the oven to 200 degrees.

3. Put the dough on a baking tray.

4. Cover with a thin layer of tomato sauce.

5. Spread some grated mozzarella, diced Bell peppers and the salami over the tomato sauce and sprinkle some Oregano over it.

6. Put some Mozzarella ghosts on top.

7. Bake for about 25-30 minutes.

8. Put some olive tapenade eyes on your ghosts.

9. Cut and enjoy your pizza!


TIP: If you want the mozzarella ghosts 👻 to maintain better their shape just bake your pizza for 15-20 minutes first, add the ghosts and bake for 10 more minutes so they are only slightly melted.




  • 8 sausages (to your taste)

  • Some pre packed puff pastry

  • 1 tbsp cream cheese


1. Pre-heat your oven to 200 ºC.

2. Slice some thin stripes of puff pastry.

3. Simply turn the puff pastry around your sausages, push together the end after the first turn to attach and then roll free shaped and over crossing leaving 1cm of the sausage uncovered.

4.Bake for about 15-20 minutes in the oven.

5.Fold a small piping bag out of baking paper or cut of a corner from a plastic bag and put in a tbsp of cream cheese and put some eyes on your Mummy sausages.

6. Serve and enjoy!



  • 4 eggs

  • 100 gr cream cheese

  • paprika powder


1. Boil 4 eggs (15 minutes)

2. Cool down the eggs, peel and slice in half.

3. Take out the egg yolks and mix with some cream cheese, pepper and salt.

4. Put the egg yolk mix back into the cut open egg whites forming a small ball.

5. Cut out a Halloween pumpkin face, keep it above the egg yolk mix and sprinkle some paprika powder so the image of the Halloween pumpkin face appears on your egg.

6. Cut some small green stalks out of parsley or anything green (that is eatable) and put them on top of the egg yolk making it look like a pumpkin.

7. Put on a plate or between your other Halloween treats and enjoy!

1 Comment

Nov 09, 2020

Awesome recipes, I did have fun making the eggs, really creative!


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