Ingredients (2 Persons)
500 gr Steak
1 tbsp Butter
1 tsp Olive Oil
1 tsp White Pepper
1 tsp Salt
50-100 gr Blue Cheese
1 small Onion Sliced
200 ml Heavy Cream
100 ml Water
1 Cutting Board
1 Knife
1 Pan
Aluminium foil

1. Heat your pan on a high heat, add a tsp of olive oil and a tbsp of butter.
TIP: The olive oil will keep your butter from burning.
2. Wait until your butter has a hazelnut brown color and then put in your steaks.
3. Season both sides with fresh ground pepper and salt.
4. According to your preferences fry your steak rare, medium rare or well done. Take the steak out and put to rest in some aluminium foil.
TIP: Let your steak always rest for some minutes after you fry it, you will notice when the steak relaxes it is going to be more tender.
5. Leave your pan on the fire and add the sliced onion and bake or a minute. Put in the water to extract the meat flavors that got stick to the pan, add the cream and the cream cheese, and stir for a minute.
6. According to how strong you like your sauce add the blue cheese bit by bit until you reach the taste you like.
7. Serve with a fresh salad with onion and cherry tomato, and yes, as a Belgian guy, I like my steak with, of course, some great French fries.
TIP: Curious about the secrets of the Belgian fries check out my tutorial on Belgian fries, it is not as hard and easy to make.

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